So this week has gone quite smoothly and Arlyn is quite her own little person, we were able to make a few visits to different places like Scott and my bowling banquet (Arlyn attended), visiting her sister Journey and niece Genovine every Thursday and I visited my co-workers at highland in preparation to return. Arlyn has done fantastic this week and has not needed the feeding tube to be placed back in. She has a routine at home and is more awake during the day and sleeping at night. I love the little person she is, there have been moments where I really thought she was going to coo to me but has not yet. She is lifting her head strong during tummy time and makes her feeling well know with her cries. She typically has cranky time between 8 and 10pm and it is usually relieved by a combination of exhaustion and finally having a bowel movement.
Today we were able to visit gastroenterology and meet with the nurse practitioner, they were very happy with Arlyns progress and really felt like since she was doing so well there was no reason to return with a scheduled visit only is we need them. She was placed on Vitamin D since she is not tolerating her multivitamin (she pukes it every time) and they offered the idea of adding in a probiotic, so we will be trying that. Tomorrow we will be headed to our second follow up with cardiology and hopeful we may be able to reduce the lasix or get rid of it all together, we may be able to talk about a follow up ECHO to see if her throbus is gone so we can stop the Lovenox shots.
The count down is on, Mommy is returning to work on May 17th and really trying to get all of Arlyns ducks in a row before I return. Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers for this little girl, look at who she is the power of prayer is real <3
Arlyn and my grand baby Genovine
Breast milk supply
My little doll <3
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