Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1st, 2017 21:20

Arlyn had a long day today she started the day out great! She went to MRI and had to be sedated and paralyzed for the test so this afternoon after she came back she again had a delay in waking up it took her until late this evening. The medical team attempted to pressure support her on the ventilator but at 1500 she was having significant apnea so they placed her back on full ventilation. At 2000 they tried again and considered her 30 min of pressure support a success and plan to pressure support at 0730 tomorrow morning and possibly extubate. It would be really nice if by afternoon tomorrow she had the breathing tube out. The neurologist came down and gave us the results of the imaging that was done with the MRI. essentially she has an hypoxic brain injury in several small areas of the water shed area which is quite common in babies after surgery. At this point we would not be able to tell if this could delay Arlyn only when we repeat the MRI in about 4 months. The Neurologists believed one of two things could happen she could repeat the MRI in 4 months and she that she is completely normal MRI or she could develop scar tissue and at that point we would have to watch for developmental delays. Either way we just need more time to tell.

 Wide awake after pressure support 

 new booties, wearing on of Arlyns baby shower gifts

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