Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27th, 2017 2300

Today the entire plan changed, as of this morning Arlyn had taken 45% of the feeds offered to her. Since she was doing so well the team decided to start plans for discharge projected for possibly Wednesday. Because we may discharge we are at crunch time as far as trying to get our education done for us to go home. Today I stayed up with Arlyn and feed her throughout the day she took 20 to 25 ml each feeding and the rest down the NG tube. We also are doing our 24 hour home trial where we get no help from the nurses and have to both stay on the unit for 24 hours and take care of Arlyn including asking for medication, preparing her fortified breast milk, & all care that Arlyn needs all supervised by a nurse. So we started at 6pm and will end at 6pm tomorrow. I think the hardest part was giving Arlyn her lovenox shot. Daddy is learning how to be Arlyns nurse and doing a great job tonight of checking placement on her NG tube, giving medication and he even gave her a shot tonight. Please pray and cross your fingers that we get home on Wednesday, bonus is that it is Kolbys birthday and this is part of what he wanted for his birthday.


  1. Such exciting news! Hoping you really do get to go home Wednesday!!! Missed my Arlyn snuggles last night. -Becky

    1. Arlyn is doing well, thank you
      for everything you are an amazing contribution to arlyns success!
